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How To Use Pinterest For Your Network Marketing Business

How To Use Pinterest For Your Network Marketing Business

Many people use Pinterest to find new recipes, learn about fashion trends, and see the latest home design ideas. However, many people don't realize that it is also a great way to network with others in your industry.

Pinterest is a social media site that allows users to post images and share them with their followers. The Pinterest business platform has been around for a few years now, but it continues to grow in popularity as more people discover its usefulness.

If you are in a business where you have to work hard for your sales, then I am sure that you will be looking for new and creative ways of marketing yourself. Pinterest may just be the answer! This article is going to give you ways on how to use Pinterest as part of your network marketing campaign.

Ways To Use Pinterest For Your Network Marketing Business

  • Create a company page on Pinterest

Your first step is to create an account for your business. There are no special rules to follow here, just make sure you have the right name and don't forget to include "Experts at [your industry]" somewhere in there! When it comes to deciding what boards you want – keep things simple with around five or six main topics that align with your brand.

  • Start pinning

Start pinning on your own boards! If you are not sure how to do this then go back and read our beginner's guide. Make sure that the photos you upload contain links, so when people click through they will be taken straight to your website where they can sign up for more information or make a purchase. Pinterest is all about sharing great images – so don't forget to include some of these in with your posts too!

  • Run a contest

Entering your contacts into Pinterest is the same as it would be on any other social media platform. However, what you might not know is that people love sharing contests and giveaways! It's another great way to gain more followers for free.

  • Use Pinterest analytics

If you want to get serious about your network marketing campaign, then I would recommend taking advantage of the analytical tools that are available on Pinterest. You can find out exactly how many people have seen each pin and which pins perform well so that you know what content works best for promoting your business!

  • Pin images from your website

This is a great and simple way to get more exposure for your business. When people click on the image, it will take them straight through to the relevant page of your site where they can sign up or make a purchase.

  • Pin images from your blog

This is another great way to get more exposure for your business. Pinterest has a large audience of users who are interested in different topics, so the chances are high that people will be searching for posts which you have written on your own site!

  • Use Pinterest for webinars

Webinars are a great way to build rapport with your customers and show them that you care about their needs. You can use this platform in the same ways as you would Facebook or Twitter; by putting the link on social media and encouraging people to sign up!

  • Link back to your site

It's important that you include links on all of your pins so people can click through and find out more about the product or service on offer.

  • Pin images from your Instagram

If you have an active account on Instagram then this is a great way to get more exposure for new posts. People will still be able to see the description and comments section so they can find out what's going on straight away!

  • Be creative!

The great thing about Pinterest is that it's so versatile. People use the platform in different ways for lots of different reasons, which means there are endless opportunities to get your brand out there!

If you want to have the best results possible, then I would recommend experimenting with all of these ideas. One might work better than another so it's worth giving everything a go! If you are willing to put in some extra time and effort into your Pinterest campaign , there is no reason why you can't see an increase in sales for free !


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